Reflexology, Foot Health and Ear Wax Removal
Camberley, Surrey


Menopause. Menopause Title

Reflexology for Menopause

Specialising in women's health is my absolute passion and being in my late 40's I can 100% relate to how our bodies are changing, both physically and mentally as we go through this change in our lives.

There is a distinct lack of knowledge, support and help when it comes to the whole subject of menopause and I want to make it my mission to help as many local women as possible through this journey - NATURALLY!

All too frequently, we have no one to talk to, our partners/husbands don't understand us and even our GP's often don't have the time to give us on this subject, leaving us often feeling quite alone.  Well we are NOT alone and by developing my menopause programmes, I work with ladies to not only help identify your symptoms, but to talk and listen to your current journey and how the menopause is affecting you.  I will help you manage your symptoms holistically, give you lifestyle tweaks and self help advice to bring back your mojo!

There are 4 stages of The Menopause:
- Early onset Menopause (affecting about 1 in 100 women who go through this before the age of 40)
- Peri-Menopause (age 40-50 ish)
- Menopause (age 50-55 ish)
- Post Menopause (age 55+)

The Menopause is when you have had 12 consecutive 'Period' free months.  The lead up to this is called Peri-Menopause and is the time when most women start to experience menopause symptoms.

Block Booking Offer:

- 3 x 45 Min Treatment for Menopause at £150

Pay as you go
- 1 x 45 min Reflexology for Menopause at £55


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