Reflexology, Foot Health and Ear Wax Removal
Camberley, Surrey


Ear Health & Wax Removal. Tympa

Ear Health Clinic

The problem...
As we find ourselves in an ever increasing aging population, the demand on hearing and healthcare services is rapidly growing.

GP surgeries used to offer Ear Wax Syringing on the NHS, however, this has changed and most GP surgeries no longer offer this service.

We have daily exposure to loud noises like music, machinery, TV, gaming and the use of headphones has increased over the years and this is taking its toll on all age groups of people. 

Hearing problems in the young can affect education and social development and for the elderly, it can mean social isolation, balance problems, leading to an increased risk of falls and illnesses like Dementia.

Why Hearing health matters...
Good hearing is important as it enables us to get the most out of daily life.  Poor hearing leads to social isolation, lack of engagement in conversations, not to mention the frustration on not being able to hear.

Being a Foot Health and Ear Practitioner, Foot and Ears are two parts of our bodies that often get forgotten and taken for granted, yet, we regularly get our teeth and eyes checked so why not our feet or ears??  Our health is so important and regular foot and ear checks are also essential.

Signs to look out for...
Hearing and ear problems can show themselves in many ways.  Here are some signs:-
- Loss of hearing
- Asking people to repeat themselves
- Moving closer to people
- Having to concentrate more to listen
- Earache
- Discomfort
- Discharge
- Ringing
- Itching
- Dizziness and balance problems
- Coughing
- Turning up the volume

The solution
At Reflexationz, I'm delighted to be able to offer the very latest, industry gold standard in hearing screening, ear health checks and Microsuction (ear wax removal).  The device that I use enables me to carry out high definition otoscopy (taking photo images and video of inside the ear), Ear wax removal AND hearing screening.

Included in this service, I have 24/7 access to Audiologists and an ENT specialist which means if there are any concerns I may have following your appointment, I can get a second opinion by an expert who is accredited by ENT UK, The British Society if Audiologists (BSA) and the BSHAA.








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