
Footcare, Reflexology & Ear Wax Removal in Camberley

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Written by Dr Arlo (my cute Cockapoo)!

✈️ Dr Arlo essential travel tip! 🌍
 Do you suffer with ear infections, especially when travelling or abroad?  Do you dread flying due to the change in cabin pressure? Getting your ear wax removed before flying can help prevent ear infections and discomfort during your flight, as well as protect your ears from potential issues if you plan on spending time in […]
Dr Arlo shares his hiking tips
🌿🚶 Lace up your shoes and hit the trails to celebrate the joy of walking and the beauty of nature. 🌳 Whether you're a seasoned hiker or just starting out, taking care of your feet is crucial for a comfortable and enjoyable trek. Dr Arlo, my cute little Cockapoo has some tips below to keep […]
🌿The roots of Reflexology can be traced back to ancient Egypt 🇪🇬
Dr Arlo, aka my cute little Cockapoo, loved exploring Egypt and learning the history of this amazing complementary therapy. Reflexology is an holistic healing practice that has been around for thousands of years. Evidence of its use was found in Egyptian tombs dating back to around 2500-2330 BCE! The ancient Egyptians believed in the interconnectedness […]
Dr Arlo explains how we clean our tools 
If there is one thing that I'm a stickler on, that is keeping my tools clean. As a qualified Foot Health Practitioner, I am required to clean all my equipment in an autoclave (similar to a pressure cooker). This machine uses distilled water at a high temperature (134.5 degrees Celsius) which eradicates bacteria, spores and […]

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